Friday, May 21, 2021

Summertime Fun

 The weather is warming up, and snow is a distant memory, so the kids have been asking to set the trampoline back up again.

We made it a family project this morning . . .

. . . and the kids spent a bunch of time bouncing on it.  They had a great time . . .

. . . until they got tired and sweaty, and decided to come inside and read instead.

Warm weather also means that Kimball Farms is open again!  Phillip and I went on a date to get some ice cream last night.  This cone (which is the smallest one they sell) looks kind of tiny in the picture, but it seemed huge in person.  On a hot night, you have to eat fast to finish all of that luscious Kimball yumminess before it melts all over your hand.  Challenge accepted!

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