Saturday, March 22, 2014

Our Future Scientist (or Leprechaun Hunter)

I attended an awards assembly at Joy's school this morning.

Joy received her first grade classroom's award for science.

Her teacher later told me that she thought the science award was perfect for Joy, because she is always dreaming up fantastic inventions.  Earlier this month, she made a "leprechaun trap" out of big Legos, and brought it to school for sharing time.  She's very creative and imaginative.  Take a bow, Joyful.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Farewell, Painted Desert

This morning it was time to air out the sleeping bags and pack up the tent.

It was a chilly morning, so Joy borrowed Daddy's coat.

Joshua Tree often looks pretty bleak to me . . .

. . . so it was fun to see little spots of color here and there, when I remembered to look closely.

Some of the flowers are really vibrant and beautiful.

Other colorful plants are pretty in a "don't you dare touch me" sort of way.

I think Phillip's favorite sight in the park was this customized pack mule of a motorcycle some British riders were using to tour the country.

Catch you later, Joshua Tree.  It's been fun!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rocky Playground

Around 1am Todd decided that the blankets he was wrapped in were no match for the cold in our tent.  I tried my best to get him more comfortable, but his cries woke everyone in our campground.

I ended up bringing him into my sleeping bag, and we kept each other warm the rest of the night.

We all went for a little hike this morning . . .

. . . and climbed tons of rocks.  Joshua Tree is a natural playground for kids. 

They never get tired of climbing around on the rock formations.

Where's Papa?


By the time we got back to camp, everyone was ready for a rest.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Family Fun in the Desert

We took a trip to Joshua Tree this week with my parents, Aunt Heather, and Uncle Sean.

We dug in the sand . . .

. . . climbed on rocks . . .

. . . and, uh, went for piggyback rides.

Fun for the whole family. :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Heather and Sean hosted a surprise party for Red Grandma tonight.

Here she is, being surprised.

Joy decided that if one loud, enthusiastic greeting was good, a second would be even better!

Baby Todd bonded with Papa . . .

. . . and Gigi and G-pa . . .

. . . while the big kids bonded with the cat.  I'm not sure how the cat felt about it.

Happy birthday, Grandma!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gumdrop Construction

For our home evening activity tonight . . .

. . . I proposed that we build gumdrop towers with toothpicks.

Anna and I worked together, and though our structure started out pretty symmetrical and unassuming . . .

. . . it wound up looking like a collaboration between M. C. Escher and Dr. Seuss.

Daddy's geometrical design, on the other hand, was very orderly indeed.  He's an engineer, after all.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Popcorn and a Few Laps

The kids and I had our after-school snack in the courtyard today.

We enjoyed some popcorn . . .

. . . and contemplated the heavens . . .

. . . then Joy practiced skating on her (relatively) new roller blades.

She's still getting the hang of them.

Meanwhile, Daniel and Anna went for a jog . . .

. . . while Todd schmoozed with the ladies.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Relaxing at Home

The kids and I enjoyed a relaxing evening at home today.

Joy and Todd bonded over a book . . .

. . . Daniel counted his money (he enjoys counting it more than spending it) . . .

. . . and Anna built an alphabet train . . .

. . . then helped Todd with his pacifier.  Thanks, Big Sister. :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Life's a Picnic

The three youngest kids and I had a picnic at the park after preschool today.

We enjoyed some dee-licious yogurt (while Todd looked on with a touch of envy) . . .

. . . then had fun on the swings . . .

. . . and slides.
