Thursday, April 25, 2019

Pastrami with Andrew

This morning I braved traffic and GPS snafus . . .

. . . on my way into Boston . . .

. . . to meet up with this guy!  My brother Andrew was in town for a conference, and we met up for lunch before his flight home.  When I finally arrived, we had just enough time to eat sandwiches in my van, discuss geeky topics like healthcare reform and overcoming food aversions, and then drive to the airport.  That half hour of time with my brother was totally worth the three hours I spent in traffic.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Fort and the Pond

Joy led us down to the runoff pond this afternoon so she could show us the fort she had made in the bushes nearby.

I envisioned some imposing edifice . . . 

. . . but it turned out to be a tiny clearing in the underbrush, where Joy had placed stones in the mud so her feet wouldn't get dirty while she crouched among the prickly branches. 

Crouching gets old pretty quickly, so the kids soon switched gears and went wading in the runoff pond.  They assured me that they would keep their rolled-up pants dry . . .

. . . but it's hard to stay dry when you're gleefully sloshing around a pond, and it wasn't long before the two older kids had tripped and soaked everything they were wearing.

Oh well.  You're only young once, right?

Monday, April 22, 2019

Tennis and the Harbingers of Spring

Back in 2011, I mentioned that I loved Chinese magnolias because they bloom when most other trees are still asleep, and give me hope that spring is just around the corner.  After we moved to Arkansas, I was delighted to discover a few Chinese magnolias blooming in our new town.  When we moved to Massachusetts, though, I wondered if any of those lovely harbingers of spring could thrive this far north.

I'm happy to report that they do!  Of course, they bloom three months later here than they did in Southern California (and two months later than Arkansas), but their beauty is all the more welcome after a long winter, when most other trees are still grey and bare.

Incidentally, this particular magnolia tree grows near the tennis center where Joy has started taking lessons.  All the middle schoolers in her class are better than her at this point (which is a new and humbling experience for Joy the Academic Dynamo), but she's learning a lot and looking forward to lots of tennis matches with Daddy once school is out.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Holy Week 2019

Two years ago, I started a new Easter tradition with my family.  I wanted Easter to feel like a sacred season to honor our Savior's loving sacrifice for us, not just a weekend to eat way too much candy.  Inspired by this mom's tradition, we spent each day of Holy Week reading scriptures about what happened in Jesus's life that day, watching a video about it if we could find one, and doing some little activity to make the experience fun for our kids.  It transformed Easter from a second-tier holiday about candy to a memorable, inspiring time that our family really looks forward to.

Here's how things went this year:

On Palm Sunday, we read about Christ's triumphal entry, then acted it out.  Everyone always wants a turn being the donkey.  Also, by popular demand, I bought kale leaves to use for palm fronds, like we did the first time when we were living in Arkansas.  Apparently, donkeys are big fans of kale. 

On "Temple Monday," we read about and reenacted Christ cleansing the temple.  Last night, Phillip pointed out that it kind of detracts from the sacred mood if I whip out my camera during a reenactment, so tonight I asked the kids to all pose for some production shots, then I put the camera away and Daniel cleansed that temple like a boss (much to the relief of Anna, the worshiper who was saddened by the vendor's offensive noise).

On "Teaching Tuesday," we discussed why Christ taught in parables, then we divided into two groups that each chose a parable to draw.  Or at least, that was the original plan.  Instead, Joy and Anna decided to draw the same parable the same way, then see if I could guess whose drawing was whose.  Joy did such a good job of copying Anna's style that it was hard to tell the difference.

On Spy Wednesday, we talked about Judas agreeing to betray Jesus for the price of a slave, and how Jesus then liberated us from bondage to sin and death.  We then lightened the mood by dyeing Easter eggs.  I suppose I could try to turn egg dyeing into a symbolic discussion, but honestly, we just do it because it's fun.

On Passover Thursday, I made a mostly-authentic Passover feast with braised lamb, grape juice, and almost-unleavened lavash bread (because I just can't get into matzo crackers).  The meal takes a bit of work and planning, but I feel like it's worth it.  My kids think it's really cool, and I love feasting together as we discuss the symbolism of the original Passover, how it relates to Christ's atonement, and how He must have felt eating that last Passover supper that symbolized what He was about to endure for the whole world.  There's something solemn and inspiring about participating in that ancient tradition, even if we have adapted it a bit.

On Good Friday, we read about Christ's suffering and death on the cross, then watched a moving video about it.  I usually make hot cross buns to celebrate Good Friday, but I'd been working on a hot cross muffin recipe for my recipe blog all week, and we had four different experimental batches of hot cross muffins in our kitchen.  So yeah, we celebrated with hot cross muffins this year. We also each wrote our name on a piece of paper and decorated it, then arranged those papers in a cross shape on our Holy Week Wall (see below), to remind us that Jesus died for each one of us.

On "Spirit World Saturday" we had an Easter egg hunt (just because it's traditional and fun), then in the evening we talked about the Bible reference to Christ teaching the spirits in prison after He died.  Modern revelation clarifies that He organized the spirits of good and faithful people to teach the millions who had rejected Him or had never heard His Gospel in mortality.  This has always been a rather abstract concept for us before, but it hit home this year because my dad and my last two living grandparents have all died in the last six months.  They loved the Lord so much, and it's easy to imagine them sharing that joy and hope with others in the spirit world.

As we've observed Holy Week the last two years, I always felt like our approach to Easter Sunday was a little anticlimactic.  While we enjoyed watching several wonderful videos about the resurrected Lord's visits to His disciples, there was no fun food or activity to go with it.  After Thursday's inspiring feast, I wanted to come up with an Easter feast that was symbolic in its own meaningful ways (e.g. bread because Christ is the bread of life, fish because He ate it when he visited his disciples, etc.).  That Easter feast is still a work in progress, but one new Easter tradition is definitely here to stay: Empty Tomb Rolls.  Basically, you wrap a big marshmallow in crescent dough with some butter and cinnamon, then while you bake it the marshmallow melts and leaves an empty space inside the roll.  Our empty tomb rolls baked and cooled while we watched our favorite resurrection videos, then we enjoyed the delicious rolls and discussed the symbolism of Christ's empty tomb, and why it matters for us.  I love holiday activities that are both meaningful and fun. :)

Whew!  Our Holy Week celebration is a lot of work, and by the end I need a holiday from holidays! Still, I wouldn't trade the fond memories and thoughtful discussions it inspires.  I'll probably leave our Holy Week Wall decorations up long after April is over.  They are a colorful reminder of the fun, inspiring experiences our family shared as we honored the most important event in history.

Thank you, dear Savior, for all that You did and continue to do for us.  We love You so much.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

HSL (Hendrickson Sign Language)

We rarely travel during Spring Break, so our kids end up finding creative ways to entertain themselves.  For example . . . 

. . . Joy and Daniel decided to make up their own sign language.  After a few days of working at it, they can actually communicate pretty well, as long as the conversation doesn't get too abstract.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Snatching Luna

Remember Luna the Unicorn from yesterday's post?  In addition to rolling over and getting squish-hugged . . .

. . . she likes to play a game called "Snatching Luna."

Basically, one little Hendrickson sits on the couch holding Luna while another runs over and snatches her . . .

. . . then sits on the couch and holds her for the next player.

The kids played this for at least an hour today.

Daniel caught some serious air a few times.

Peace out.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

We Love Luna

The girls borrowed my camera this morning to photograph Anna's favorite toy:

Luna the unicorn.  Anna received Luna as a Christmas gift, and loves playing with her every day.

Joy loves Luna too.

Even the fairies love Luna.

Luna likes to roll over . . .

. . . and get squished a lot.

Good night, Luna!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Hearts and Magnolias

Spring break is off to a fine start.

The beautiful Chinese magnolias are blooming . . .

. . . and Daddy shot the moon in Hearts.  Scorekeeper Daniel noted that he achieved a new high score after four rounds.  That's not typically the goal with Hearts, but I've got to give Daniel credit for looking on the bright side.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Thinking Outside the Slide

When is a teeter totter . . .

. . . not a teeter totter?

When Engineer Daddy transforms it into a real world demonstration of the principles of leverage ("Anna, scoot back one seat.  You'll be able to play much more efficiently.")

Speaking of efficiency, Daddy was a very energetic tire swing spinner.  Joy soon decided that her stomach didn't want to be on the tire swing anymore, but Anna and I rode it awhile . . .

. . . while Joy found a more unconventional way to enjoy the playground.

Soon Daniel decided to join her.  I wonder how they're going to get down?

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Helping at the Neighborhood Supper

As I listened to the prophet and apostles in General Conference a few days ago, I had the feeling more than once that I need to get more involved in our community, and find a meaningful way to serve others.  Writing checks to charities can make a real difference in the world, but there's also something to be said for rolling up your sleeves and serving someone face to face in your own town.

Consequently, I told my family that dinner was going to be a little different tonight.  We were going to help out at our town's Neighborhood Supper, a weekly dinner hosted by five churches in the area.  It's free for anyone who needs a meal or just wants some friendly people to chat with over dinner.  Most of the guests are elderly people who live alone and look forward to socializing with their neighbors each week.  Our congregation prepares and serves the meal on the second Tuesday of every month over at the Congregational church.

We arrived to find over a dozen friends from church preparing to serve about 60 guests tonight.  Joy helped plate the food.  I carried trays of plates, which Daniel carefully distributed to the guests.  Todd ran around the room until he bumped into a server and I handed him a calculator to keep him occupied (I need to find an age-appropriate way for him to help next time).  Daddy arrived from work near the end and helped rinse the dishes.  Once all the guests had been served, we volunteers quickly ate some dinner too, then served up dessert.

Anna was assigned to collect used plates for the missionaries to scrape and rinse.  At first she was nervous and unsure what to say.  I told her to walk around and look for someone whose plate seemed empty, then politely ask them, "May I take your plate?"  Once she knew what to do, Anna went straight to work, and cheerfully collected plates for the next hour or so.  She was such a friendly helper that one guest even tried to give her a tip.  Anna insisted that she was just here to help.

I'm proud of her, Joy, and Daniel for politely, diligently serving our neighbors this evening.  We all agreed that we're looking forward to helping again next month.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Conference Squares and Chalk Notes

It's General Conference weekend!  That means we get to spend a whole weekend listening to inspiring messages from a modern prophet, apostles, and other Church leaders.  It also means that I stock up on little snacks and prizes the kids can earn by listening carefully to the talks.

We used some dry kidney beans for markers on their Conference Square sheets this weekend.  I think we'll go back to using pennies next time, because Joy kept peeling the beans and leaving bits of them all over the couch.

After each session, we brought out prizes and let the kids pick one prize for every six topics (Jesus, family, faith, etc.) they heard and marked during the session.

I tried to include a few healthyish options and toys, but somehow Daniel still ended up with two Hostess cupcakes and some Fruit Loops after one session.

Anna's Conference Weekend stash included a Luna granola bar, a glow stick, and some sidewalk chalk.

She and Joy used the chalk to write friendly messages on our neighbors' driveways.  It was a very literal way to apply several Conference messages about loving our neighbors. :)

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Festival of Cheese

This afternoon . . .

. . . I picked Todd up from preschool on the "2ND FLOOP" (take a close look at the writing on the door) . . .

. . . then we drove half an hour north to New Hampshire for the "Festival of Cheese."  Basically, a grocery store set up a dozen sample tables, and we could taste over 30 different varieties of cheese free of charge.  At least, it's free if you can resist buying some of the yummy things you try.

Todd and I sampled everything from camembert to brie to gorgonzola.

Me: Should we buy the mascarpone or the cranberry goat cheese?
Todd: Both!
Me: Sounds good.

Todd is very persuasive.

We arrived back in Littleton just as the older kids were coming home from school.  When we told them about the cheesy festival we'd been to, they wanted to visit it too.  We all piled into the van, and I drove out of state for the second time in one afternoon.

It was fun to show the big kids our favorite cheeses (and warn them about the extra sharp provolone), but by the time we had visited three quarters of the tables, we were all cheesed out.

Fortunately, one of the sample distributors started packing up for the day, and asked if we wanted the baby carrots he'd been using as decorations.  After all the salty, savory tidbits we'd been nibbling, some fresh, crisp carrots were a very welcome change.

We then bought some herb garlic cheddar to bring home and share with Daddy.  He agreed that it was very tasty indeed.  Just wait until he tries the mascarpone on vanilla wafers.  Nom nom nom!