Friday, May 14, 2021


 We've been doing a lot of puzzles at our house lately.

We turn all of the pieces face up on one side of our folding table, and work on the puzzle on the other side.

Daniel probably works on puzzles more than the rest of us combined.  Sometimes he works together with a parent or a sibling (we find that three's a crowd at our puzzle table), but he's also content to work alone, and he sometimes finishes a whole puzzle in one day.

Anna prefers to have company when she's piecing a puzzle together.  She thinks just about anything is more fun if she does it with family or friends.

Incidentally, I've often wondered why the artist chose to include a rainbow and copious amounts of pink in this dinosaur picture.  The puzzle's official title is "King of the Dinosaurs," but given the color scheme, maybe it should've been "Queen of the Dinosaurs."  Or, as Joy suggested, "Mega-Awesome T-Rex in a Magic Forest."

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