Saturday, December 26, 2020

Mama's Day Off

 Well, as my grandma used to say, Christmas is gone, and it didn't take long.

The same could be said of all the lovely snow that made our town look like a winter wonderland last week . . .

. . . and then got washed away by a warm (read: mid-fifties) rainstorm Christmas morning.  Ah well--the only constant is change, right?

And for a change, I decided to take today off.  I drove to Panera, ordered a Green Goddess Cobb Salad, and spent the next few hours in a mostly-empty restaurant taking care of some nagging tasks, and generally reflecting on life without interruptions.  It was really nice--I think I may start spending a Saturday at Panera at least once a month.

Back at home, I noticed that our waxed amaryllis bulbs are getting ready to bloom.  They didn't quite pop in time for Christmas (and that Christmas cactus doesn't seem to be in any hurry either), but I think they will be a beautiful way to usher in the new year.

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