Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December Is Here!

December has arrived, and it's beginning to look (and sound) a lot like Christmas around here.

Our piano teacher is hosting a virtual holiday concert later this month, and the girls are working on a duet of "The First Noel" to perform in a few weeks.  The arrangement is lovely, and I enjoy hearing them practice it.  Daniel has chosen to play "The Twelve Days of Christmas," and I'm grateful that his teacher has insisted he only play the 7th or 8th verse (so people can hear the interesting part, and not have to endure too much of the repetitive part).

I bought each of the kids a festive shirt this year.  Here's Joy modeling her geeky Christmas sweater (the quizzical eyebrow raise was included at no extra charge).

Daniel's Christmas shirt comes from a galaxy far, far away as well.  If you think the average stormtrooper is a little grouchy, don't even try talking to one who's been assigned Christmas light duty on a star destroyer.  Those things are huge, and that means a lot of light strings to untangle.

I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that Anna's holiday shirt is cute, cheerful, and caring, just like she is.

Todd's new favorite shirt is his Christmas Mario Bros sweater.  He has worn it nearly every day since I bought it a week ago.  I like to think that he's getting into the Christmas spirit, but realistically, he just loves Mario.  Oh well, it still makes me smile every time he comes downstairs wearing a sweater with holly, snowflakes, and Italian plumbers with red and green hair.

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