Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Into the Fire

Over the past several months, Phillip and I have done a variety of things to support the Yes on Prop 8 effort. Some of the things we've done have been a little outside our comfort zone, like knocking doors or calling local voters to talk with them about the proposition. All of that can be a little intimidating, but we feel that preserving traditional marriage and defending our rights of free speech, of religious freedom, and not having a homosexual agenda imposed on our kids at school through lessons and field trips are very good reasons to get involved.

Well, tomorrow afternoon "involved" will take on a whole new meaning for us. We've volunteered to man the "Yes on Prop 8" booth at our local farmer's market, in a town where protesters regularly hold anti-war, "Impeach Bush" rallies. Yeah, it's gonna be wild. If you want to know how wild, try reading the Ericksons' post about their experience last week. They said that some people were supportive or at least respectful, but in most cases they encountered incredible hostility from anti-Prop 8 folks whose motto is "Love Thy Neighbor."

Incidentally, the Ericksons mentioned that it really helped when friends and neighbors stopped by to shed a ray of sunshine through the storm clouds. So if you live near us and have a spare minute between 4:30-6:00pm tomorrow, please come by the booth and give us a smile. Pretty please.

P.S. The Clarks will take over from 6:00pm until the market closes, and they'd probably appreciate a visit, too. :)


CJ said...

Wow... way to go you guys. I will say a prayer for you :) I have to be honest and say that I don't know if I could do that. But I suppose it is one of the best causes out there to venture out of one's comfort zone. Adam is spending Thursday night making phone calls to Californians towards the same end. Let's hope his efforts and yours pay off!

Jodi Jean said...

good for you. i couldn't go walking (since i was so with child) so i opted to make phone calls. and i've gotten many harrasing calls now ... YIKES! (seriously BAD calls!! robby almost wants to make me change my phone number) needless to say i didn't make anymore calls. but i just offered to help input info into the system.

Janie said...

Good luck! I wish I could stop by to support you guys. We're fighting our own battle down here so let us know how it goes!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Wow, Jodi. I had one person hang up on me, but no one ever really harassed me. Maybe it's my turn today.