Saturday, October 25, 2008

CA elementary school teaching homosexuality

I got an email pointing me to the following article, which is reporting on the fact that a CA elementary school has been actively promoting homosexual ideals to its students from Kindergarten and up.

To opponents of Proposition 8 who strongly believe and argue that Prop 8 has nothing to do with schools and that children won't be taught this in school without the right of parents to opt out, consider that it's already happening - the school specifically chose not to inform parents that this was going to happen. Makes it kind of difficult to opt their children out of teaching if they don't know it's occurring.

To those who support Prop 8 or still don't know how to vote, I hope that you'll join me in protecting our kids from being taught those things that should be taught in the home. Please spread the word about this!


CJ said...

Ugh. Stories like this (and aren't we hearing more and more every week?) make me absolutely sick to my stomach. Kindergartners? This is just so absolutely wrong, and I hate that government is taking such basic and fundamental rights out of the hands of parents as teaching morality and sexuality. It goes against everything our country was founded on. It used to be they would send out advance notice on even hetero sex-ed and parents could opt their kid out. Now with homosexuality, opting out would be 'prejudiced!' and 'hateful!', of course, so no opportunity is given. It is deliberately backhanded on the part of schools and government for shoving this down kids throats - like a slap in the face to parents saying that government knows what's best for our children better than we do.

I truly fear for the future of public education in America. This is why we will be homeschooling our children.

(...Sorry for the vent! )

T.J. Shelby said...

At the risk of being argumentative...If Prop 8 passes do you think this type of activity will stop at this isolated charter school? Prop 8 and what is happening there do not appear to be related.

According to the article there was plenty of instruction and activity regarding homosexuality prior to the discussion on family life (which I believe is why you are connecting the two).