Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Compilation of really good Prop 8 docs

Last night, I received a PDF with a compilation of documents about the dangers of legalizing same-gender marriage, and while I've seen some of the stuff in that document, some of it was a real eye-opener. I was especially astounded at the documentation of all the junk that has happened in Massachusetts after they legalized same-sex marriage - I didn't know the half of what's happened there as a result of that decision, and the lack of action by politicians about it.

Download the PDF, read it, and then share it with those that you know. For all of you with blogs, if you want to link to it as well, feel free to do so.

The more I see, the more grateful I am for a prophet who had the vision to get us on board with this before we even knew how serious the matter is.


Serena said...

Hey girl, sorry I have been really ill, and only had time for the kids and family. I'm with you on everything, and thanks for all the research you have done. Take care.

Caitlin said...

Do you mind if I quote your blog in my prop. 8 post? I can credit you or keep you anonymous, whichever you would prefer.

Phillip said...

Caitlin...go right ahead and quote it. We want to get the word out about Prop 8, so the more people who want to blog, the better!