Thursday, June 15, 2023

Camel Jumping at the Country Expo

We headed over to the middle school today
for the 6th grade Country Expo!

Anna and her friend Sam scored prime spots 
at one of the few display tables that had attached seats.
The expo was three hours long, and they were grateful to have a place to sit and chat
when they weren't teaching people about Poland and Switzerland.

Some of the displays had fun embellishments,
like hand-drawn illustrations . . .

. . . a 3D topographical map made from painted playdough . . .

. . . and a camel jumping challenge that was popular with a lot of boys.
Apparently, camel jumping is a professional sport in western Yemen.

Todd was delighted to see the Zimbabwe poster.
He's really into international flags right now,
and the Zimbabwean flag is his favorite
(he thinks the red star with a gold bird is a nice touch).

I enjoyed visiting the Ukraine display
(located a safe distance from the Russian poster a few tables down)
because the presenter served a tasty Ukrainian winter punch called Uzvar.

I also liked the Haitian lemonade (or "jus de citron").
I never would have thought to put vanilla extract in lemonade,
but it really took the flavor up a notch.

I guess Todd geeks out about flags,
and I geek out about food (and drinks).

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