Monday, June 19, 2023

A Historical Scavenger Hunt

The kids were off school today for Juneteenth.
Although that holiday has been celebrated for many years in some parts of our country,
it's kind of new to this area and to our family, 
so we don't really have any traditions around it yet.

Joy, Anna, Todd, and I decided to spend the holiday 

We saw some interesting historical sites
and learned cool facts about the first day of the American Revolution,
but mostly we just made our own fun along the way . . .

. . . climbing a giant tree . . .

. . . sniffing a golden pineapple . . .

. . . pretending to be a statue . . .

. . . posing on a big rock . . .

. . . and hiding in a hollow stump.

I suppose it's fitting that we spent a historical holiday
which commemorates the joy of freedom
learning about patriots who fought against oppression
and making fun memories together.

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