Monday, May 29, 2023

Chicken on the Roof

What's more fun . . .

. . . than climbing a tree barefoot on a sunny spring day?

Climbing it with chickens, of course!

The Barred Rocks enjoyed their field trip so much yesterday
that we decided to take the Cinnamon Queens out this afternoon.

The kids had a blast clambering up a tree with the chickies,
and Abby and Rees(e(e/y)/ie) seemed to enjoy the outing too,
in a contented, chickeny way.

We also took the Barred Rocks to the garage so they could get accustomed to the chicken tractor
which they will (hopefully!!!) move into this week.
Apparently Martha was more interested in exploring the roof . . .

. . . but we eventually got her inside the coop with Mary.
Here's a picture of her silently judging our paint job.
You get what you pay for, Martha.

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