Saturday, May 27, 2023

Bikes and the Band

This has been a busy week for our family.

Anna, Joy, and I have been painting the chicken tractor,
and Daddy has been adding final touches
like the hinged door in the chicken run roof.
We're on the home stretch!

Anna and the sixth grade band performed their
end-of-school-year concert
(Anna is the one in the back playing the xylophone).
Their musical numbers are still pretty simple
but they sound more polished and cohesive than they did at the mid-year concert.

Daniel is enjoying archery club every Thursday.
They sometimes have team events, and Daniel's team rarely wins,
but he still has fun.

The main items on Joy's agenda this week
were acquiring a motorcycle helmet . . .

. . . and taking a motorcycle safety class.
It's not a requirement to get her permit (she already has that);
it's a Dad requirement before Joy can ride any bike he has paid for.

The good news is that she did fine in her lessons.
The bad news is that she realized Daddy's 530-pound bike
is too heavy for her to handle easily.
She'd feel more comfortable on a 250-pound bike like they had at her class.
Maybe it's time to start shopping for a cheap starter bike.

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