Thursday, September 24, 2020

You Can Just Tell

Let's play "Fill in the Blank":

You can tell ________, because _________.

For example, you can tell it's fall, because the leaves are changing colors.

You can tell this is Todd's science notebook, because there is a drawing of Globey on every single page.

You can tell Joy was bored this morning, because "somebody" wrote algebraic equations and dozens of digits of pi on her arm with a fountain pen.

You can tell we watched Harry Potter 3 this afternoon, because Daniel is now reading the novel version, and he only does that AFTER we watch the movie.

You can tell we're at the library to pick up books for Joy, because a librarian is practically stumbling to the door under the weight of all the books Joy has reserved in the last few days.  Last week, when I called and told them we were out front to pick up books on hold for Joy Hendrickson, the librarian literally replied, "I'll get the forklift!"

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