Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Empire Striketh Back

Just when I thought our family couldn't get any geekier . . .

. . . Joy found copies of the original Star Wars trilogy written in the style of William Shakespeare.  They have stage directions, asides, words like "doth" and "belike," and everyone speaks in iambic pentameter (except for Yoda, who speaks in haiku).

Joy read the entire series in about a day, and her siblings have started reading it too.  I guess that's one way to introduce kids to Shakespeare: take a story they already know and love, and Shakespeare-ize it so they get accustomed to the Bard's style.

Oh, and speaking of Star Wars, I've been leading the kids in some resistance exercises lately (e.g. push-ups, lunges, and crunches), and they suggested that "blowing up Starkiller Base" would be a good Resistance exercise too.  Just for fun, I turned on the end of Star Wars 7 yesterday, and we worked out while watching Poe Dameron and the Resistance destroy Starkiller Base.  I think we'll keep doing resistance with the Resistance this summer, because it's more fun to think about Finn, Rose, and Poe than about how much we hate push-ups.  The exciting music helps too.

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