Thursday, July 2, 2020

Peep the Duckling

A little guest came to visit our home yesterday.

A friend found a lone duckling wandering down the road, and assumed it was orphaned.  He was about to go out of town, so he asked if we would take care of the duckling until he returned and figured out what to do with it.

Our downy little visitor is very cute, and very noisy.  He unleashes a volley of loud peeps every minute or two, so I started calling him Peep.  Creative, I know.

It was pretty clear that Peep wasn't happy spending a weekend in a box, because he kept trying to jump out of it.  I started calling wildlife refuges and rehabilitators to see how I could make Peep more comfortable, and they all agreed that his chances for survival were actually best if we released him by a woodsy pond near the place where he was found.

We called up our "duck rescuer" friend, and he suggested that we release Peep by a beaver pond in Concord.  Anna, who had grown attached to Peep in the short time he spent with us, came along to say goodbye.

We both knew that releasing Peep was the right thing to do, but it was still hard to leave him alone in the woods.  He seemed so small and vulnerable.  We offered a prayer that God would help and protect our little friend, then we left him in Heavenly Father's capable, caring hands.  The Bible says He cares about every sparrow, so I'm sure He cares about ducklings too.

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