Monday, March 16, 2020

Home-Centered Church (and Piano Lessons)

Some things about this "school break" feel very familiar . . .

. . . like the kids playing made-up squishmallow games . . .

. . . and a few rounds of Checker Flick.

Other things feel very different, like virtual piano lessons (with a teacher who's still learning where to point her camera) . . .

. . . and having our church meeting at home yesterday.  Daddy assigned various family members to prepare talks, choose songs, and offer prayers.  He conducted the meeting, played the piano, and blessed and passed the sacrament to us.  I appreciated that Daddy got dressed up to bless the sacrament, and I'm grateful that he can perform that sacred ordinance for our family.  The kids had a little trouble being reverent during our little sacrament meeting, since it seemed weird to them to have church in our living room.  I think it might help in the future if we have them get dressed in Sunday clothes too.

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