Sunday, January 20, 2019

Checker Flick

When Phillip and I awoke this morning, we heard the unmistakable sound of Connect Four checkers clinking against each other.  I assumed the kids had dusted off our old Connect Four set for some classic fun.

Nope.  They had set up the vertical board as one of many obstacles on the table, and they were flicking checkers against each other to knock their opponent's checkers off onto the carpet.

The kids persuaded us to join them for a few rounds of "Checker Flick," and we had a lot of fun. 

Someone quickly figured out that they could hide several of their checkers safely behind a box, then call in reinforcements when their ranks got thin on the front lines.

After they got tired of Checker Flick, Todd and Anna found yet another unique use for our bean bags: they used them as ingredients in chair-and-kid sandwiches.

And I'm just including this picture because it's fun. 

The End. :)

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