Saturday, March 21, 2020

Love and Happiness Aren't Cancelled

Saturday is chore day around here, but that doesn't mean it needs to be all work and no play.  After we finished our jobs, we relaxed and found some fun things to do.

Joy has decided to branch out from her minimalist endermen drawings.  She's working on drawing human cartoons, and she says they're a lot harder.  Her human sketches look pretty good to me, but they're not up to her standards yet.

Anna has been asking to bake something with me, so we decided to make cookies today.  A few Hendricksons were really in the mood for chocolate chip cookies, but Anna wanted to do something more adventurous, so we dipped some of the dough balls in sprinkles, and topped a few others with Heath bits.

The sprinkle cookies were easily the most popular ones.

Later in the day, we went for a walk along our street.  We smiled to see pretty little irises popping up in a neighbor's yard . . .

. . . and inspiring messages written on a few of the driveways.  School and church may be cancelled for a while, but love and happiness aren't.

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