Monday, March 30, 2020

The Bucket Brigade

Today's "active time" was a little unconventional.  We have a couple water barrels in the basement that have been empty since we left Maryland, so . . . 

. . . I organized a bucket brigade of sorts to address that problem.  I handed Joy and Daniel two very clean milk jugs, and offered to pay them $5 each to take turns filling the jugs on the main floor and pouring them into the barrels in the basement.

A few minutes into the process, Joy started filling the KitchenAid mixing bowl in the bathroom sink too.  I suspect that just made the whole system more complicated, but as long as the job got done, I wasn't going to argue.

Anna thought the bucket brigade looked like fun, so she asked to join in.  I offered her $2 if she would use our blender pitcher to help out.

Then, of course, Todd wanted to get involved, so I paid him a quarter to be cheerful moral support.  Now I have four happy kids and two full water barrels.  I'd call that $12.25 well spent.

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