Thursday, March 26, 2020

Chatting Across the Street

The weather was lovely today . . .

. . . so we got out our bikes and scooters and went for a spin.

We spotted our neighbors on their driveway, and I stopped to chat for a while.  It was a little weird to stand on the other side of the street while I talked to our friends, but hey, weird is the new normal, right?  In any case, it was a nice change to talk with some humans that I don't share a house with.

It was also fun to see how another neighbor had turned some cracked asphalt into a creative work of art.

And speaking of creative, one of the kids came up with an interesting snack today: "banana split crackers."  Ritz cracker + banana slice + caramel (and maybe a little chocolate syrup) = banana split cracker.  They were a big hit at our house this afternoon. :)

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