Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Paint and Legos

In addition to starting preschool, we've begun a new semester at one of the free parenting classes offered through a local community college.

Joy never used to take much interest in the crafts (and her messphobic mama didn't do much to encourage them), but now she's decided that she loves them . . .

. . . especially when paint is involved.

She also likes to climb the trees in the park.

Daniel prefers his usual hobby of opening and closing doors . . .

. . . with occasional breaks to get some fresh air and play with the Legos.

Mama's favorite part of class is song time. :)

All that fun wore Joy out, and she fell asleep under her bed.

Is anyone else having flashbacks about the Wicked Witch of the East?


Serena said...

hhah I love how she fell asleep under her bed lol and I love the free parenting classes.

Liesl said...

LOL, Kimberly!!! Your blog entries are so witty!! Wicked witch of the east...I love it!