Saturday, January 23, 2021

Nice Day for a Hike

The weather was nice today (and by "nice," I mean above 40 degrees and not raining or snowing) . . .

. . . so I decided to take the kids on a hike.  We went to a familiar trail that we've explored multiple times . . .

. . . and although the trees and forest floor were pretty bare, there were still some unique things to see . . .

. . . like this sympathetic note someone jotted on a trail marker . . .

. . . or the fact that Todd was carrying a pool noodle.  I have no clue why he brought it along, but he seemed happy to have it, and I guess that's what matters.

When we reached a fork in the trail, and voted on whether to hike the short loop or the long loop, Joy was the only one who voted for the short one.  She then announced that she would just hike it alone and walk home.  I pointed out that walking home through the neighborhoods would take just as long (and be just as hilly) as hiking the long loop with us and then riding home, but she struck off on her own anyway . . .

. . . and then surprised us by meeting us halfway up the long loop, coming from the other direction.  We took a victory picture on Picnic Rock at the top of the hill, and agreed that we should bring an actual picnic the next time we have nice hiking weather.

Which may be in April.

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