Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Gratitude and Honest Haiku

 Christmas break is over . . .

. . . and homeschool is back in session, as of yesterday.

One of Daniel's ELA assignments today was to write a haiku poem.  After reading some of the finest examples of haiku composed in the past few centuries, he wrote this poem straight from the heart:

"I don't like writing
I never want to do it.
This is just for school."

Meanwhile, the two younger kids' ELA lesson showed them how to make pop-up gratitude cards, in conjunction with a story we're reading about a character who learns to be grateful.  The instructions seemed simple enough, but actually making the cards was kind of stressful for me, since I'm not very artsy and the kids needed a lot of help.  Once all the drawing and cutting and gluing was done, I left Anna and Todd to write their messages while I worked on lunch.  A few minutes later, Anna warmed my frazzled heart by showing me who she'd written her card to.

Awww.  Thanks Anna. :)

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