Thursday, January 7, 2021

Glasses and a Catapult

Joy finally got her new glasses today.  Last time, she chose half-rimless frames that we had to bring in for repairs at least twice.  This time, I told her she was only allowed to choose one of the Flexon frames, which are virtually indestructible.  

As she gazed out the window with her new glasses, I asked if the trees suddenly had leaves again.  She replied, "No, it's winter.  But they do have branches again now."

In other news, our congregation hasn't had many activities for younger kids over the past few months, but they're determined to change that this year.  Todd is now old enough attend the boy group, and he went to his first activity on Tuesday.  They made little catapults, and Todd and his sibs have had a lot of fun catapulting beads and pompoms in our family room since then.

Anna's girl activity group got together this evening to paint birdhouses.  Anna is thrilled that her friend Shayla is old enough to attend activities with her this year! 

When I dropped Anna off for her activity, I noticed that the Young Women had covered a chalkboard with colorful Post-its showing things they love about the youth program.  A couple notes quickly drew my attention.  Enderman drawings and swirly capital F broadcast loud and clear: Joy made these ones!

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