Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sunshine through the Gate

One of the (early) birthday gifts Joy received yesterday was . . .

. . . a game called Blokus. 

The kids are really enjoying it (and Daniel's enjoying his new Creeper pajamas).

In fact, the Blokus craze is so big around here that when I told the kids to clear off the table for dinner, they just moved their game to the kitchen floor.

While the kids continued their Blokus tournament, I drove to the temple to talk to God about some things that have been weighing on my mind.  Although the temple itself is closed because of the pandemic, I thought it would be nice to walk the beautiful, peaceful grounds of that sacred building.

I arrived to find the gate locked.  It felt like a sad metaphor--one more familiar place shut down in this pandemic; one more beloved thing that I can see but not touch.

Was it truly a sad metaphor though?  I could still see the temple from the driveway, and that driveway was still sacred ground.  God could still inspire me there or anywhere, just like the sunlight could still reach me through the gate.  I parked my car facing the temple, and trusted God to provide the guidance I needed, since I had done my best to draw closer to Him.  He didn't let me down.  

I think the real metaphor of this picture is that we can still get the light we need, even though so many of the things that used to bring us joy aren't available right now.  In some ways these are tough times, but God will help us through them.

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