Sunday, November 22, 2020

Cocoa, Egg Nog, and Fictional Outbreaks

I'm usually the one experimenting in our kitchen . . . 

. . . but this weekend, Daddy decided to try not just one . . .

. . . but two new recipes.  He and Anna made some egg nog, then Daddy made his own hot cocoa mix.

The initial version of the cocoa turned out OK, but the flavor was a little flat.  I suggested adding some brown sugar to round it out.  Phillip was skeptical, but when I added a little to my mug of cocoa and offered him a sip, his eyes widened with surprise.  It was a big improvement!  He then added a bit more salt and cocoa powder, which made it even better!  Hopefully we can replicate the recipe next time.  As for the egg nog, the flavor was good, but the eggs were a little overcooked.  Lesson learned.

In other news, multiple outbreaks in Asia doomed our family's game of Pandemic this afternoon.

In fact, as Daniel demonstrated, the outbreaks were literally off the chart.  Kind of like Massachusetts, where we're seeing a second COVID surge with over 2000 new cases a day in our state.  The difference is that in real life, we won't give up no matter how many outbreaks we get.  Take that, ya germs!

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