Saturday, November 7, 2020

Partyin' Like It's December 12

Planning parties really stresses me out, so I almost never do it.  I make my kids a special birthday dinner and dessert, I buy them birthday gifts, and I give them lots of birthday hugs, but I just don't have the bandwidth to plan birthday parties.  Most of my kids are OK with that, but every year or two, Joy asks me to plan her a pizza party.  I thought I was off the hook this year, what with the pandemic and all, but after we attended a friend's pizza birthday party in the park a few weeks ago, Joy asked if we could plan something similar for her.

Joy's actual birthday is next month, but we couldn't wait that long.  Indoor social gatherings are strongly discouraged these days to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and nice weather won't last much longer in our area.  Fortunately, we had unseasonably warm weather forecast for this weekend, so we told some of Joy's friends from church to meet us in the park for pizza, soda, ice cream, and fruit ('cuz we're healthy like that).

The girls had a great time talking, eating the sumptuous banquet we provided . . .

. . . dancing to the loud music someone was playing nearby . . .

. . . and swinging on the playground.  It was so much fun that I may throw Joy another early birthday pizza party next year.  Maybe.

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