Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Water Art and Corona Bunny

The number of COVID-19 cases is tapering off in our area (and we're getting a little stir crazy in our house), so we decided to visit another family this morning.  The kids had fun playing . . . 

. . . and meeting our friends' new pet bunnies.  This one is named Herbert Nenninger (a nod to PBS's "Curious George" cartoon series) . . .

. . . and that one is named Corona, because one of the teenage boys in the family thought it would be funny to name a rabbit after a pandemic.  It's actually a pretty name, if you don't think about it too much.

When it was my turn to hold Herbert, I discovered that he is amazingly soft.  Then he scrambled out of my arms a few minutes later, and I learned that he is also amazingly scratchy.

Back at home, Joy decided to try her hand at squirt gun sketching.  Anna initially objected, since there's a drought in our area and we're supposed to be limiting our water use, but we eventually agreed we could spare a little H2O in the name of art.

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