Monday, June 15, 2020

Masks and Oompa Loompas

The weather has been warming up again lately . . .

. . . so the kids had a squirt gun fight in the backyard this morning.

After lunch, we watched the 1970s version of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."  It was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid (except for the boat scene--that is just weird), and today my children enjoyed it as much as I did.

Sorry, Johnny Depp--Gene Wilder totally has you beat in this role.  You make a really good pirate, though.

In other news, I wonder how many more times I'll get ready to go somewhere, put on my lipstick (which is the only makeup I usually wear), then remember I have to wear a mask which will hide that lipstick and rub half of it off.  Maybe the futility of makeup will finally sink in next month. Or the month after that.

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