Monday, June 1, 2020

Brownies and Rockets

Here's a mishmash of photos from the last few days:

The kids decided to make giant peanut butter cookies, which are every bit as yummy as they sound.  

Since they have so much free time around the house these days, the kids keep rediscovering forgotten toys and games.  This weekend, it was the stomp rockets.

Some of the kids stomp harder than others.

Joy recently offered to make pancakes for lunch, and she got kind of creative with the pancake shapes.  Why make boring circle pancakes when you can make snakes and butterflies?  Because snakes are hard to flip; that's why.

Anna's best friend at school had a birthday this weekend, so Anna took her a card, a balloon, and some brownies.  When we arrived at the friend's front door, we discovered that she had moved!  We knew her family was thinking of moving, but we didn't think they would pull up stakes in the middle of a pandemic.  Fortunately, they just moved to the next town over, so we got their new address and made the birthday brownies a housewarming gift too.

Anna is growing out of her old Sunday dresses, so I bought her a new one today when I ventured to Target for the first time in months.  The lack of social distancing there was kind of unnerving, but the dress is cute and Anna wore it the whole rest of the day.

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