Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Indoor and Outdoor Garden

I bought some more plants today . . .

. . . and Anna helped me plant them in our vegetable garden.

Things look pretty sparse in the garden right now, but those little plants will be a lot bigger in just a few weeks.

With the outdoor garden all set, I moved on to the indoor garden.  We have lots of rabbits in our neighborhood, and I don't want them to eat my greens and tender herbs, so I decided to plant them in a bag of soil in our sunny kitchen (you can see a basic tutorial for this method here).

All done!  This is the first time I've tried growing most of these veggies and herbs indoors; we'll see how they do!

By the way, I didn't know pink chard also has pink roots!  Anna and I thought that was pretty cool.

I also don't know why gardening makes my hair so messy, but it does.

That's better!

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