Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dandelions and Allegrettos

When Joy and I look out the front window . . .

. . . we see a verdant field, dotted with cheery yellow dandelion blossoms.

Daddy sees a bunch of weeds that must be forcibly eradicated from our lawn.  Joy and I were sad to see all those pretty flowers disappear under the mower, but I recognize that they wouldn't be nearly as pretty in a few days, after they scattered seeds all over neighborhood and left hundreds of bare stalks in our yard.  I also know that the neighbors on either side of our yard work hard to keep their lawns weed free, and I don't want to cause them a bunch of dandelion-related headaches.

This evening, Anna performed her Suzuki Book 1 recital, in which she played all of the songs she's learned since she started piano lessons back in Maryland.  That recital would usually occur at a public venue with lots of guests in attendance, but with the pandemic going on, we decided to hold it at home with a much smaller audience.

What's with the chair and the coat, you ask?  Well, the coat always hangs on that chair, and the chair is for Anna's two grandmas . . . 

. . . who attended the concert virtually.  It was delightful to see them, and they enjoyed hearing the songs Anna has worked so hard to master.

Then we wrapped up the evening with a pillow fight.  The End.

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