Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Carols and Plasma Balls

Merry Christmas!

This morning, we all sat as patiently as we could while Daddy distributed our presents, which included . . .

. . . a couple plasma balls . . .

. . . plenty of books (of course) . . .

. . . and a unicorn-butterfly-pegasus shirt that matches Anna's new fuzzy socks.

Once all the presents were open, we ate a quick breakfast, then joined some friends at a local senior center . . .

. . . to sing carols while Sister Gray kept time with some jingle bells.  I thought it was a lovely way to celebrate the Savior's birthday.  The kids griped about it all the way out to the van, then rolled the windows down and spontaneously burst into Christmasy song as we drove past our friends, bringing smiles to all of their faces.  Kids are funny like that.

It was nice to come back to our cozy home . . . 

. . . and sip Red Grandma's hot punch . . .

. . . while Daddy and Joy assembled the only thing Daddy put on his Christmas list: a new computer.

A Very Geeky Christmas to You and Yours!

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