Monday, October 18, 2010

Underwood Family Farm

We visited Underwood Family Farms with some friends this morning.

Joy rode a pony, and she was delighted to learn its name is Bullseye, just like the horse in Toy Story 2.

Daniel's favorite activity was watching kids ride down the slide. He giggled every time one came down the chute. When I eventually took him to the top he enjoyed riding down on his own, but I think he had more fun just watching kids appear at the bottom of the tunnel.

Joy preferred watching, too, but that's because she thought the tunnel was a little intimidating. She climbed to the top, all set to ride the slide, then had second thoughts and opted to just stand there and watch all the other kids go down the dark, scary tunnel instead.

However, she had no fear at all when it came to climbing on the wooden train.

Daniel liked the train, too, but preferred lower elevations.

Our last activity was the corn maze. Now it was Daniel's turn to have misgivings. Sure enough, after a dozen twists and turns I realized that it would be wisest to go back out the entrance while we could still find it, rather than risk getting lost for an hour or two searching for the exit. We'd already had enough adventures for one day.

1 comment:

Serena said...

That is a nice pumpkin patch