Saturday, October 16, 2010

All Kinds of Fun

This morning we drove to a nearby park to play, and found a couple artists painting pictures of homes across the street.

Joy thought the watercolor was very interesting.

I liked it, too.

In the park proper, we spent most of our time riding the swings (Joy chose to ride sidesaddle), . . .

. . . then we headed home for some serious fun playing with the gate . . .

. . . and letting Joy's baby doll float on a leaf raft (though it looks more like Joy's practicing CPR).

During lunch Joy asked how cold the applesauce was, so we decided to have a little scientific fun and ask our thermometer. The reading went as low as 52.0 degrees, then began inching up 0.1 degree every few seconds. Given that concrete evidence that our applesauce was warming up, I decided to end the experiment and put the jar back in the fridge.

I love how every day can be full of little adventures and surprises.

1 comment:

Serena said...

I have never seen someone painting in a park, very interesting lol