Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mansion, Sweet Mansion

For our home evening activity on Monday, we borrowed an idea from a friend and made . . .

. . . graham cracker haunted mansions, decorated with cream cheese frosting and lots of candy.

OK, so we're not professional architects, but we had a lot of fun.

The next day we ate half the roof with lunch, so our mansion was downgraded to a haunted shack (or perhaps a Shrieking Shack :).

By this afternoon, it looked more like the Nauvoo Temple circa 1850, after the saints fled to Utah and a tornado took out all but the west wall.

Should you desire to make your own graham cracker edifice, we have a few words of counsel. First, the walls will hold up better if you glue two crackers together with frosting, rather than using a single cracker per wall.

Second, make sure you decorate with candy you actually like. I bought a big bag of candy corn which looked very festive, but even Daniel is sick of it now and we still have half the bag left. Bleh.