Monday, March 17, 2008

Tabasco Sauce and Gumballs

Here's Joy wielding her light saber.

Just kidding - it's only our Tabasco sauce bottle. Now that walking has freed up Joy's hands, she loves gripping something while she explores. She will often hold on to the same thing for an hour or more. It might be a hot sauce bottle, her tube of baby toothpaste, . . .

. . . or these prickly seed pods that fall off the local trees. My brothers and I called them "gumballs" when we were little, presumably because of the spherical shape. As Joy can attest, they certainly don't TASTE like candy.


The Waldrams said...

Kamryn has an obsession with those things too! We call them porcupines. I wonder what the proper name is.

Jodi Jean said...

aidan always has to have somethhing in his hands ... but its usually as many things as he can try to carry (like 3 in one hand and 2 in the other) then he'll walk around and try to pick something else up without dropping anything else ... its hillarious!!

Serena said...

Isn't it fun to watch how each child mostly goes through the same phases?