Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Smelling the Flowers

My dad once told me that you're more aware of your surroundings on a motorcycle than in a car. In a car you're contained, and though you can see the outside world your other senses don't interact with it much. On a motorcycle, you're much more aware of changes in temperature, humidity, smell, and even sound. Also, since there's no barrier between you and your surroundings, you feel much more connected with them.

Those thoughts have been on my mind a lot lately as I've gone on walks with Joy. As we stroll along, I smell the flowers that are beginning to bloom, and I feel the cool humidity when we turn off a busy street onto a shady lane with lots of trees. I love the variety.

As long as we're talking about flowers, I couldn't resist sharing a couple more pictures from our recent walks. Irises look so flashy, in a noble sort of way . . .

. . . and though this looks like a peppermint taffy bush, it's actually an azalea. I know, I know - "peppermint taffy bush" sounds so much cooler.


Jodi Jean said...

oh, so pretty! aidan and i need to start walking more often now that it's starting to warm up!

Nicole Shelby said...

beautiful. that's one of my favorite ways to get exercise, and relax. The kids and i often bring along the camera and hunt for beautiful things to take pics of.
Once you start looking, there is beauty everywhere! Even among the concrete and weeds that seem to make up most areas.

Can't agree with the motorcycle thing. I'd be so freaked out by being on it, i wouldn't be able to enjoy a thing!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

The first time I rode it with my dad, my life flashed before my eyes.

Several times.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

I love irises. I think they're my favorite flower after roses.

Also, I am completely jealous of it being spring where you are. Here it's still predominately in the 30s. Woo.

(At least I've seen some robins lately.)

Serena said...

Pretty. You should take Joy to the Botanical Gardens.

Jill Walker said...

How beautiful! I can't wait until we see more flowers. They are trying to pop their heads out. Probably when you come things will be in better shape and I hope it isn't all covered with snow! Can't wait to see you and Joy, and Phillip!