Monday, November 5, 2007

Temple Jubilee

Latter-Day Saints in the Los Angeles Temple district have been invited to celebrate the temple's 50th anniversary by attending a special meeting in its solemn assembly room. Today was our stake's turn.

Phillip and I have been looking forward to this for months. The jubilee meeting (and the chapel session and endowment session that preceded it) were beautifully uplifting, and gave us a lot to think about.

Joy, meanwhile, was hanging out with about 25 other kids (the stake Relief Society president arranged babysitting in a nearby building). All that fun was pretty exhausting, and we returned to find her fast asleep.

Waking Sleeping Beauty.


Serena said...

The picture with Philip and Joy is sweet.

Natalie said...

That's nice that they had babysitting. I often wish that wards and stakes would consider the child factor when planning things for adults only. So it's nice to hear about it when it does happen.

Jodi Jean said...

wow, what a wonderful expereince. makes me think i need to find us a babysitter one of these days and get to the temple. glad you guys could go to such a wonderful thing.