Friday, November 30, 2007

Look Out, Folks

So, I finally managed to snap a picture of Joy standing. What motivated her to relinquish every source of support and trust her safety to two unsteady little feet? What else?

A cell phone. "Watch, Mom! No-look texting!"

As if that weren't enough, Joy also tried her hand at climbing today. Anything to get at more books.


Lisa said...

Ha! What would we do without cell phones? I think that's so funny that they're such universal motivation for babies. Good job, Joy!

Jodi Jean said...

i would be careful with the cellphones ... we recently had to upgrade our phones because of the water damage (aka drool) they literally stopped working.

yeah for the standing!! and climbing, aidan was climbing on a box yesterday and did a face plant on our tile entry ... needless to say he was not very happy about it.

Phillip said...

Funny your phones stopped working, Jodi...mine hasn't stopped working, but I can no longer change the volume because the volume buttons stopped working. That's baby saliva for you!

Serena said...

Isn't it fun to watch how our children grow, and what their interests are? I love to watch Sofia walk around with the cell phone and try to talk. haha.