Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bonding on the Range

Boy, there's been a lot of water under the bridge since that blustery December day nearly a year ago when we clumsily bundled our newborn into several layers of clothes and took her . . .

. . . to the archery range! Cuz that's what you do with newborn, right?

These days Joy actually stays awake to watch the proceedings. She's happy to stay behind me the whole time because, even at this tender age, she's aware how lousy my aim is.

Here's Daddy taking aim from 40 yards. The mist lends a touch of romance to the scene, don't you think?

Oh yeah, and that arrow my dad accidentally shot into the branch above the target a few months back? Yup, the arrow tip's still stuck there.


Angela said...

Wow I can't believe you guys have bows and arrows! And you take Joy with you. What an adventure.

Serena said...

That's one thing we haven't done for a long while. It's funny how part of the bow is still in the tree.

holly said...

You are the only people I know who go to an archery range. It looks like fun. Again, great pictures!

The Lind's said...

How fun! Where do you do that? You guys look professional!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Becca, there's a range down in the Arroyo. They give lessons Saturday mornings, if you want to try it out.

Nicole Shelby said...

P needs a Robin Hood hat.

I've always wanted to try archery...and there you are. Shoot on!