Thursday, May 31, 2007

Baby's First Picnic

Joy and friends had a picnic at the park yesterday.

Pictured from left are Joy, Sophie, Nathan, and Matthew.

Here Elizabeth plays patty-cake with Sophie the golden girl.

Cupcake for mom, prunes for baby--what's up with THAT?

"Enough pictures already, Mom."


elizabeth cullimore said...

Thanks for posting the cute pics! The babies look so adorable together! I'm excited to take them all swimming!

Debbie said...

I know, Poor Matthew's first food was prunes....if only they would help him "go"! :)

I am not sure they help, but I feel better knowing that I am trying!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I'm debating what Joy's first solid food should be (other than the obvious rice cereal). Maybe if I teach her to like veggies early on, she won't be like her mama who scrupulously avoided any green food for the first two decades of her life.

Except mint ice cream, of course--now THAT'S good stuff.

Jodi Jean said...

ok first and foremost, your diaperbag is the cutest things i've ever seen, where in the world did you get it?

second, joy is really growing up. she's absolutely adorable. sooooo cute. and getting teeth. holy moley they grow so fast.