Thursday, May 31, 2007

Let those pearly whites come!

We went up to the mountains to be with Kimberly's family the weekend before the Memorial Day weekend and had a relaxing time. Kimberly posted pictures from our boat ride on Arrowhead Lake a few days ago, so you know about that.

Here's the cool Joy news from that weekend, though: at one point, I was playing with her, and put my hand in front of her so that she could grab it (she's at the "I want to grab and stuff in my mouth anything that I can" phase of life). She caught a hold of my index finger, stuck it straight into her mouth, and chomped down . . . and guess what? There was something more in that mouth than just gums! She's got teeth coming in!

You can just see the two teeth in her bottom gum.


elizabeth cullimore said...

Joy looks so cute with her little teeth! I bet your finger felt good on her new teeth! Watch out!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Yay! Except, now you have to teach her not to bite people. Ah, parenting.

Phillip said...

She probably does like the feel of Mama's or Papa's fingers in her mouth. I won't let her put mine in there anymore, though.