Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Sigh. The childbirth class prepared us for labor and taught us to put Baby to bed on her back. Our parents reminded us that kids grow up fast and baby clothes are often bigger or smaller than the tags would have you believe. Our friends warned us that nursing hurts at first and it's better to buy a small stroller. But, by golly, why didn't anyone warn me that baby fingernails grow faster than kudzu in Georgia?!?

It seems like every couple days I discover that Joy's nails have grown to the point that she's a danger to herself and others. What's more, they're so tiny that when I try to clip them there's a very fine line between causing injury and missing the nail entirely. The first time I gave Joy a manicure, I drew blood in three places (talk about a painful introduction to mortality, and motherhood). I've gotten better since then, but alas, I still miss occasionally. Sorry, Joy.


CJ said...

Well, at least take comfort in knowing you're not the only mom to draw blood. The first time I cut G's nails, she was only a few days old and I accidentally hacked a little sliver of flesh off the tip of her thumb. She screamed for ten minutes while I cried and felt like a horrible mom. The nails never grow more slowly, but it's a good thing those digits do get bigger with the rest of them, so they become easier to see.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Yeah, it's hard to say which is worse: the knowledge that my child is in pain, or the knowledge that it's my fault.

Jodi Jean said...

oooo nails. yeah i try to do it while aidan's asleep, i've only nicked him omce but it was the worst ever (dont think too much - i dont try to cut them too short and actually last time i trimmed his nails they still hurt when he scratched me ... oooops!)

Kerri said...

I hear you on this one. I got so mad at Arthur when he drew blood trimming Dylan's nails, but had to eat my words the next week when I did the same thing. The worst part is that the blood seems to never clot!

I love your blog, by the way! Joy is adorable!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Thanks, Kerri. I love the "Worm Dance" video on yours. The blog title is brilliant, too. :)