Monday, February 6, 2023

Cici Says

Last night's FHE activity was a game called "Cici Says."

We stood in a circle,
and each took a turn telling the group . . .

. . . to do something our parakeet Cici would do
(like preen your feathers, stand on one foot, or try to peck someone).

Since Cici is a hyper, nutty bird,
we decided that each new instruction should get added to the others . . .

. . . so by the end of each round you're trying to do several crazy things at the same time
(while trying not to fall over).
Once the round is over, all of the commands are canceled,
then a new "Cici" begins the cycle of chaos all over again.

Actual Cici: "Humans are sure weird."
Actual Tia: "No joke."

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