Friday, April 15, 2022

Fixing Star Wars at the Park

The kids had a day off school and the weather was sunny . . .

. . . so we headed to the park.
As I watched the younger kids dash toward the crowded playground,
I thought of the time we went to this same park a few months into the pandemic
and found it silent and deserted.
COVID hasn't gone away, but I'm glad we've learned how to live with it.

I'm also glad the older kids and I had a great time discussing
a bunch of revisions to Star Wars 8 and 9.  Highlights include:

1) Ditch the Casino Planet side quest in 8

2) Holdo tells everybody her plan up front (= no mutiny!)

3) When Leia dies, Finn becomes the new Charismatic Resistance Leader
so he actually has a purpose in the trilogy

4) Palpatine stays dead; Episode 9 is a struggle for power between Hux and Kylo Ren.
(If you really want to give a cameo, make it a flashback or something.)

5) Hire a writer who is better at depicting conflicted romance,
so that smooch at the end doesn't feel so random

6) Ditch the Tattoine scene at the end.  Finish the movie with everybody celebrating at the base,
with Luke, Leia, AND Ben Solo looking on as Force ghosts.

Now, if we could just invent time travel and have a talk with the folks at Disney
circa 2016. :)

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