Saturday, April 23, 2022

Dirt Candy

Winter snowstorms seem to be a thing of the past
(at least for the next few months) . . .

. . . so we decided it was time to set up the trampoline . . .

. . . and then celebrate the arrival of spring
with lots of vigorous bouncing!

As if that wasn't enough excitement for one day,
we also received a package from Uncle Rob.
He recently told us about some Mexican candy
which he calls "dirt candy" because it's covered in chili powder.
He thought we might like to try it, so he sent us several pounds of it.
He swears that was the minimum amount he could order.
I mostly believe him. Maybe.

He shipped us several varieties, 
and they were all . . . kinda weird.
The strawberry balls were OK,
but the watermelon things had so much chili powder caked onto them
that we couldn't bear to eat them without rinsing them off first.
Apparently, dirt candy is an acquired taste.

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