Saturday, February 12, 2022

Monopoly and Nuke-Mallows

Daniel loves his new board game . . . 

. . . and so does everybody else.  They've played Monopoly six or seven times over the last two days (it helps that the new version only lasts an hour or so).

We took a short break from Monopoly this afternoon for a virtual piano concert with all of our music teacher's students.

(Joy spent most of the concert doing homework. Such is the life of a high school student.)

Since it was kind of warm this evening, we decided to fire up the grill and make s'mores.  Alas, we forgot that the grill needs to run for a while before it gets hot enough to cook anything . . .

. . . so Daddy resorted to the microwave instead.

Not as toasty, but still yummy. :) 

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