Sunday, January 16, 2022

Home Church Again, For a Little While

This winter's COVID surge is causing staggering numbers of new cases lately . . .

. . . so most of our family plans to worship at home for a little while.  We're not worried that the relatively mild omicron variant will be dangerous for our young family, but we do worry about spreading it to vulnerable friends and putting increased pressure on overcrowded hospitals.

It always feels a little surreal when I get out our family's sacrament "tray," and remember the early months of the pandemic when there were no church services at all, virtual or otherwise.  Part of me says, "Oh no--not this again," but then I remember that this surge is unlikely to last more than a few weeks longer, and we are choosing to be cautious, not forced to stay home because everything familiar has shut down like it did two years ago.

(In case you're wondering why there are only five cups in this picture, Daddy chose to attend church in person so he could teach his Primary class.  He blessed the sacrament for the rest of us after he returned home.)

The kids don't find virtual sacrament meetings very engaging . . .

. . . but I was impressed by their efforts to make their "second hour" of home church edifying (we're on our own for Sunday school, since it isn't broadcast).  For example, Joy and Daniel decided to draw a visual representation of the olive tree allegory in Jacob 5.  They were really thorough, and I think it helped them understand the symbolism better.  Maybe a month of home church won't be so bad after all.

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